Filipinos In Boston: An Interview With Open Data Manager Kim Lucas

By Trish Fontanilla

This month’s Filipinos in Boston profile was nominated by Amy Mahler, Director of SPARK Boston (which, by the way, if you’re in the city and between 20-34, you should definitely check out SPARK). Amy had seen the call for nominations that I had put out on Instagram, and after bumping into me IRL she asked, “Have you talked to Kim Lucas yet?!” So shout out to Amy for being an awesome BF ally, and I hope you all enjoy this profile of Kim!

Photo provided by Kim Lucas.

Photo provided by Kim Lucas.

Where are you and your family from?
I’m originally from San Francisco! Born and raised in the Bay Area, I came to Boston by way of Los Angeles.

My mom was born in Manila, and she immigrated to SF when she was a child. My dad was born in SF, and his parents are from Ilocos Norte.

Where do you work and what do you do? 
I’m currently the Open Data Manager on the Citywide Analytics Team at the City of Boston. I take city-generated data and make it available for public use. Check it out:

Wow, very cool! Can you tell us a little more about your career path, and why you decided to get into that field?
What a windy road! I am an academic by training. I have a PhD from Brandeis University in Social Policy and Sociology, and I have an MA from Tufts University in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning and Child Development. I moved out to Boston for grad school, and I’ve been working in non-profits and government ever since. Prior to my current job, I was the Civic Research Director at the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, and I’ve worked in the early childhood field for over a decade.

On Boston…

How long have you been in Boston?
15 years--and I still hate the winter.

What are your favorite Boston spots (food, parks, spaces, etc!)
I live at the top of Fort Hill/Highland Park in Roxbury, and it’s one of my favorite places in the whole city. 

On Filipino Food... 

What's your all time favorite Filipino dish?
Hands down: labong, grandma style. I never eat the meat, just the shoots. Always over rice (of course).

What's your favorite Filipino recipe / dish to make?
Last Christmas, my family and I had a turon making championship. We did a blind taste test and awarded the winner (my cousin John) a trophy.

On staying in touch… 

Do you have any upcoming events / programs / even work things that you’d like to mention? 
ALWAYS. First of all, I’m always looking for suggestions for improvement on What do you want to know about Boston? If we don’t have data to help you, let me know! 

Second, Generation Citizen is an AMAZING organization that brings action civics education to young people (full disclosure: I sit on the Associate Board), and you should come to a Civics Day or Trivia Night if you can. 

How can people stay in touch?

Find me on Twitter: @kdlucas04